The last couple of weeks I've resumed the stashbusting - this time for bags. First is a blue flower shoulderbag I was inspired to do by a flower motif in a pillowcase:
Here's the inside; the buttons close the pocket:
With the black stash brought down to managable levels I moved on to the red stash; I had just enough to make this:
Finally I used some really old grey wool for this; a little felted backpack, with a white and green sun-motif:
With this, my stash had visibly shrunk, to the point where it made me feel slightly uneasy. I don't think a girl is actually supposed to be able to look at her stash and at one time see everything that's in there. Of course, I've tried to remedy the queasiness by buying some 20 skeins for my next project. Unfortunately, I'm using them up fast, and more action is required. I'll just have to go yarnhunting again next week! Woohoo! :D
Here's the inside; the buttons close the pocket:
With the black stash brought down to managable levels I moved on to the red stash; I had just enough to make this:
Finally I used some really old grey wool for this; a little felted backpack, with a white and green sun-motif:
With this, my stash had visibly shrunk, to the point where it made me feel slightly uneasy. I don't think a girl is actually supposed to be able to look at her stash and at one time see everything that's in there. Of course, I've tried to remedy the queasiness by buying some 20 skeins for my next project. Unfortunately, I'm using them up fast, and more action is required. I'll just have to go yarnhunting again next week! Woohoo! :D